
281 Topics · 1088 Posts

misterpomp · Jan 30, 2009 · 1 reply
Mark: If I tell you how I think it can be done - will you stop mentioning it and line it up yourself...
mikehaley · Jan 12, 2009 · 1 reply Is this a mul...
mikehaley · Jan 07, 2009 · 17 replies
in the vein of Bacon & Reeves from 2005... Steven Seagal - Steven Seagal Band / Thunderbox J...
Larry_Showalters · Dec 07, 2008 · 1 reply
Any leads on getting these guys in?
i'm trying to get Tales Of Terror in for the Kurt Cobain Top 50 list thingo. i think i have enough i...
I have no idea when or why the name changed happened, but yes, they are definitely the same person.
Gregory_Chambers98b3b · Sep 02, 2008 · 0 replies
I was looking your website and I can say it is perfect is also good.
Mark · Aug 23, 2008 · 19 replies
[ ] Chad Mitchell Trio [x] Rainer Maria [x] Papas Fritas [x] Boo Radleys [x] The Offspring
bgzimmer · Jul 27, 2008 · 2 replies
Many sites for the reissue of F-Word's "Like It Or Not · Live" (1978) claim that "Steve Effete" was...
milkbone · Jul 19, 2008 · 1 reply
There are two US artists named Brad Jones in the database. Does anyone know if one of them is the sa...
shakinghell · May 19, 2008 · 0 replies
I'm having some trouble with this entry but once it's completed we should be able to close down some...
I can't believe that there still isn't anyway to get all the Massachusetts Metalcore bands on here....
mikehaley · Apr 04, 2008 · 4 replies
I am trying to figure out of the Dan Paris who played Keyboard in For Stars is the same Dan Paris wh...
shakinghell · Mar 20, 2008 · 4 replies
I saw that you released a Society Of Friends album. You would know the name of August Alston's part...
shakinghell · Mar 20, 2008 · 7 replies
I was connecting in a couple of Israeli hardcore/punk bands and came across this site (http://qube.c...
Mapping the Rock 'N Roll genome since 2005