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Tales Of Terror / Hot Rod Shopping Cart / Pirates Of Venus

shakinghell · 11 replies

Tales Of Terror / Hot Rod Shopping Cart / Pirates Of Venus
15 years ago
Nov 7, 2008 - 5:14pm
i'm trying to get Tales Of Terror in for the Kurt Cobain Top 50 list thingo. i think i have enough info for a lineup on their s/t record:
Mike Thorpe||Thopper Jaw
Pat Stratford||Rat's Ass
Jeff Magner||Dusty Coffins
Lyon Wong
Steve Mender||Captain Trip Mender

and can link them to Square Cools - Not So Quiet On The Western Front compilation:
Pat Stratford||Rat's Ass
Pat Imel >>> did he release anything else??
Jeff Magner||Boots Magner

i've worked out a few other bands that they were in but am having trouble on pinning down a lineup. does anyone know if anyone knows if Pirates Of Venus released anything? and does anyone know a lineup for the two Hot Rod Shopping Cart releases that i know of - their songs on the 'Eagles Drift In' compilation, and the 'Shit Gets Smashed' compilation?

15 years ago
Nov 8, 2008 - 9:43pm
I just ordered a copy of the Rebel Truth discography CD, which may give us a path to Tales Of Terror.
Ding Dang
15 years ago
Nov 8, 2008 - 11:57pm
I found something much easier. See my entry for Ding Dang.

Ding Dang will also bring in Verbal Abuse and 23 More Minutes (if we can find Keith's last name.)
15 years ago
Nov 11, 2008 - 4:11am
i added the Tales Of Terror s/t but am now not totally convinced that Trip Mender played on the album.
12 years ago
Mar 15, 2012 - 8:31pm
I'd love to find a Pirates Of Venus demo, but haven't had any luck so far.
12 years ago
Mar 16, 2012 - 5:59pm
Not that this is that pressing anymore now that Tales Of Terror is in, but I just ordered a copy of the "Eagles Drift In" comp CD for $4. Maybe it will have the Hot Rod Shopping Cart lineup in there.
12 years ago
Mar 21, 2012 - 12:11am
The CD does not have any member credit for Hot Rod Shopping Cart. Bummer.
tales of terror line up
11 years ago
Jul 20, 2013 - 9:58pm
Mike Thorpe||Thopper Jaw
Pat Stratford||Rat's Ass
Geoff Magner||Dusty Coffins
Lyon Wong- Emperor Fuck Shit
Steve Hunt||Captain Trip Mender

i used to manage the square cools back in the day. also there is a Tales of Terror page on facebook thats cool. former band members/ fans who were there/ new fans ect.
11 years ago
Jul 21, 2013 - 1:28am

We took care of that a few years ago, and I believe everything we have is correct:

I'm from Sacramento and am a member of that TOT FB group.

Can you get a lineup for the Hot Rod Shopping Cart songs of the "Eagles Drift In" comp?
Hot Rod Shopping Cart and Pirates of Venus
11 years ago
Aug 15, 2013 - 12:38am
im friends with Pat Stratfords brother so i asked him for band line-ups for these 2 bands. so heres what he gave me-

"smog vomit-bass joey from verbal abuse guitar noodle played drums & pat was pirates of venus hot rod shopping cart was pat, dave chsvez from code of honnor,trip and jay merraz on drums."

Pirates of Venus-

Pat Stratford (aka Rats Ass)-vocals
Eric "Joie" Mastrokalo-Guitar
Smog Vomit- Bass

Hot Rod Shopping Cart-

Pat Stratford (aka Rats Ass)- Vocals
Steve Hunt (aka Trip)- Guitar
Jay Merraz-Drums

so how do we go about putting these band members on the tree?


so here is quite a bit info on this band. pat Stratford is still alive and im getting this straight from him.
10 years ago
Nov 21, 2013 - 7:21pm
No luck finding out anything about Smog Vomit or Noodle. Also coming up empty on Jay Merraz. Could it be Mraz?

A commenter mentions Pat did "a duet with Jason Mraz," but perhaps that's mixing him up with the famous Mraz.
3 years ago
Jan 12, 2021 - 12:56am
Added a Hot Rod Shopping Cart demo.
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