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Tips for Newbie

MattB · 2 replies

Tips for Newbie
18 years ago
Aug 22, 2006 - 10:51pm
Hi all,
what a wonderful website (but you all knew that already). I want to contribute my knowledge of a number of bands that are not in the database, but do link to an Artist already listed (namely Jamie Hince of The Kills). But before I do, I have a few basic questions

Is it best to submit things piecemeal, or put together a comprehensive email containing everything (relevant) that I can find?

For example, I want to submit at least 10 connected bands - is it easiest to do this all at once, or one or two at a time?

Also, should I try and submit a comprehensive discography of these bands, or just enough to make the connections?

Any other pearls of wisdom you can drop would be gratefully received.
A happy veteran replies ...
Matt Westwood
18 years ago
Aug 23, 2006 - 4:55am
In early days I submitted colossal great emails with dozens of entries in one go. So I believe that's all right.

The usual technique is to start at the top with the band(s) that directly connect, then work down so that every band is connected to one(s) previous.

As for whether to do a comprehensive discog, work as the spirit moves you. We have completists working here and we also have connectivists (I tend towards the former myself, but I tend to draw the line at submitting all the singles and all the compilations if there are colossal amounts of both).

No doubt others will send their advice, but *as long as the info is complete and connected*, then I believe anything goes.
18 years ago
Aug 24, 2006 - 8:34pm
Thanks Matt - very helpful.

I think I'll put together the minimum I need to do the connections for now, then add the detail to them later.

I am a bit of a completist type myself, but it's easier to work towards completion with a structure in place.

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