Band / Paul Smoker-Vinny Golia Quartet
Paul Smoker-Vinny Golia Quartet
1 release
4 members
1 line-up
The Paul Smoker/Vinny Golia Quartet
Halloween, The Sequel
1997 ·
Ken Filiano
Paul Smoker
Phil Haynes
Vinny Golia
Family Tree
2 degrees of separation for Paul Smoker-Vinny Golia Quartet comprise 358 bands:
Paul Smoker-Vinny Golia Quartet
Paul Smoker-Vinny Golia Quartet
Adam Lane Quartet
Adam Lane's Full Throttle Orchestra
Archie Shepp & The New York Contemporary Five
Barry Altschul
Burton Greene - Roy Campbell Quartet
Cecil Taylor Segments II (Orchestra Of Two Continents)
Charles Gayle Quartet
Chris McGregor's Brotherhood Of Breath
David Haney Trio
David Holland Quartet
FAB Trio
Gebhard Ullmann - Steve Swell Quartet
ICP Tentet
Jim Ryan's Forward Energy
John Lindberg Trio
John Tchicai
John Tchicai-Irene Schweizer-Group
Ken Simon Quartet
Lisa Mezzacappa's Bait & Switch
New York Art Quartet
New York Contemporary Five
Paul Bley Trio
Slam Trio
The Barry Altschul Quartet
The Berlin Jazz Workshop Orchestra
The Jazz Composer's Orchestra
Adam Lane Trio
Alípio C. Neto Quartet
All Ears
Barry Guy New Orchestra
Dennis Gonzalez's Inspiration Band
Dennis González NY Quartet
Edward Ricart Quartet
Ernst Bier · Mack Goldsbury Quartet
F.I. Quartet
Frans Vermeerssen's All Ears
Gerry Hemingway Quartet
Herb Robertson
Herb Robertson NY Downtown Allstars
New Winds
Ramón López Freedom Now Sextet
Satoko Fujii Orchestra
Simon Nabatov Quintet
The Joe Fonda/Michael Jefry Stevens Group
Avram Fefer Quartet
Andrew Cheshire Trio
Ben Allison & Medicine Wheel
Bobby Few & Avram Fefer Quartet
David Taylor Trio
Dominic Duval String & Brass Ensemble
Dominic Duval String Quartet
Dominic Duval's String Ensemble
John Gunther Trio
John Gunther's Axis Mundi
Kevin Norton Quartet
Mark Whitecage Quartet
Mark Whitecage's Other Other Quartet
Michael Bisio Quartet
Michael Jefry Stevens Quartet
Quartetto Pazzo
Release The Hounds
Stephen Gauci Trio
Steve Swell Quartet
Steve Swell Trio
Taylor Ho Bynum & SpiderMonkey Strings
Ted Nash Double Quartet
The David Arner Trio
The Kevin Norton Ensemble
The Michael Jefry Stevens / Dominic Duval Quintet
Burton Greene Quintet
Ballin' The Jack
Burton Greene Ensemble
Burton Greene Quartet
Burton Greene Trio
Conference Call
Emery Davis Quartet
Felix Wahnshuffle Trio
Frank Lowe/Billy Bang Quartet
George Schuller & The Schulldogs
George Schuller's Circle Wide
Joe Maneri Quartet
Mal Waldron Quartet
Mal Waldron Trio
Marty Cook Conspiracy
Mat Maneri Quintet
Mat Maneri Trio
Michael Musillami Trio
Nicolas Simion Group
Nicolas Simion Quartet
Orange Then Blue
Paul Motian Quintet
Perry Robinson Quartet
Tom Varner Quartet
Evil Eye
Agustí Fernández Celebration Ensemble
Bruce Eisenbeil Sextet
Daniel Levin Quartet
Deal Breaker
Hungry Cowboy
Lisa Mezzacappa Trio
Mike Pride's From Bacteria To Boys
Nate Wooley
Pete Robbins's Unnamed Quartet
Pretty Monsters
Pulverize The Sound
The Bureau Of Atomic Tourism
The New York Underground Orchestra
The Unspeakable Practices
Three-Layer Cake
Trio Caveat
Figure 8
Big Satan
Birdsongs Of The Mesozoic
Club Foot Orchestra
East-West Collective
Fred Frith · Maybe Monday
Glenn Spearman Double Trio
John Lindberg Ensemble
Larry Ochs Sax & Drumming Core
Maybe Monday
Raphé Malik Quartet
Rova Saxophone Quartet
Rova Special Sextet
Splatter Trio
The Julius Hemphill Sextet
Tim Berne
Tim Berne's Snakeoil
Trio Hurricane
What We Live
Fred Hess Quartet
Ginger Baker And The DJQ20
Scott Fields Ensemble
Gregg Bendian Project
Anthony Braxton Quartet
Gerry Hemingway Quintet
Gregg Bendian
Gregg Bendian's Interzone
Gregg Bendian's Trio Pianissimo
Kevin Norton Trio
Mark Dresser
Mark Dresser Trio
Satoko Fujii Trio
The Inkling
The Mahavishnu Project
Trio M
William Parker & The Little Huey Creative Music Orchestra
Harris Eisenstadt Quintet
Assif Tsahar And The Zoanthropic Orchestra
Billy Bang Sextet
David Hillyard And The Rocksteady Seven
Illegal Crowns
Jemeel Moondoc & Muntu
Jemeel Moondoc & The Jus Grew Orchestra
Jemeel Moondoc Sextet
Jemeel Moondoc Tentet · Jus Grew Orchestra
Joe Fonda Quintet
Maneri Ensemble
Matana Roberts Quartet
Matthew Shipp Horn Quartet
Matthew Shipp Quartet
New & Used
Other Dimensions In Music
Other Dimensions In Music · Special Quintet
Pyramid Trio
Roy Campbell Pyramid
Roy Campbell Quartet
Song, Newton & Bynum
Spiritual Unity
Stone Quartet
The Convergence Quartet
The Diplomats
The Nu Band
Jay Rosen Quartet
Gunter Hampel & His Galaxie Dream Band
Mark Whitecage & Liquid Time
Mark Whitecage's Other Quartet
Marshall Allen Quartet
Jay Rosen Trio
Joint Venture
Bobby Previte & The New Bump
Dan Willis Quartet
Ingrid Laubrock Octet
Jeff Gardner Trio
John Abercrombie Quartet
Michael Musillami's Dialect
Mikel Rouse Broken Consort
Simon Nabatov Trio
Steve Lehman Octet
Steve Lehman Quintet
The Claudia Quintet
Tony Malaby Trio
Tony Malaby's Apparitions
Tony Martucci Quintet
Uri Caine Trio
Liebig · Vatcher · Golia
Available Jelly
Bik Bent Braam
Ex Orkest
Franky Douglas Sunchild
G.E. Stinson Group
Gravitones & Strings
Gravitones Plus Sounding Brass
Homler Liebig Duo
Jewels And Binoculars
L. Stinkbug
Maarten Altena Ensemble
Maarten Altena Octet
Parker Barrett Vatcher
Platform 1
Scot Ray Quintet
Steuart Liebig
Steuart Liebig · Quartetto Stig
Steuart Liebig · Tee-Tot Quartet
Steuart Liebig/Minim
Steuart Liebig/Stigtette
Steuart Liebig/The Mentones
The Choir Boys
The Persons
Lou Grassi Quartet
Bruce Eisenbeil Trio
Gunter Hampel Trio
Joe Morris Rob Brown Quartet
Rob Brown Quartet
Rob Brown Trio
Rob Brown-Lou Grassi Quartet
Stone House
The Nommonsemble
Whit Dickey Trio
William Parker Double Quartet
William Parker Quartet
Paul Smoker Quartet
Paul Smoker Trio
Phillip Greenlief And Covered Pages
Acoustic Guitar Trio
Adam Rudolph · Go: Organic Guitar Orchestra
Big Walnuts Yonder
Brother's Sister's Daughter
Eddie Vedder & The Million Dollar Bashers
Floored By Four
Grosse Abfahrt
Jeff Gauthier Goatette
Karen O & The Million Dollar Bashers
Mike Watt + The Black Gang
Mike Watt And The Crew Of The Flying Saucer
Nels Cline
Nels Cline Trio
Phillip Greenlief Scott Amendola Duo
Phillip Greenlief Solo
Quartet Music
Scott Amendola Band
Stephen Malkmus & The Million Dollar Bashers
The Ashley Adams Trio
The Black Gang
The Geraldine Fibbers
The Nels Cline 4
The Nels Cline Singers
Thollem Parker Cline
Tom Verlaine & The Million Dollar Bashers
Trio Putanesca
Wayne Peet Quartet
Wayne Peet Trio
Rob Blakeslee Quartet
Art Resnick Trio
Bob Magnusson Quintet
Dave Scott · Tony Malaby Quartet
Dennis González Dallas-London Sextet
Roberta Piket Trio
Tony Malaby/Joey Sellers Quartet
Walking Wounded
Ross Hammond Quartet
Alex Cline Ensemble
Don Preston Trio
Jeff Gauthier Quartet
Ross Hammond
Ross Hammond Trio
Ross Hammond's Teakayo Mission
Teakayo Mission
The Greenhouse Collective
The Ni Project
Stephen Gauci Quartet
The Fonda / Stevens Group
Creative Improvisors Orchestra
Daunik Lazro
David Bindman Trio
Eastern Boundary Quartet
Hot Tuna
Joe Fonda Ensemble
Joe Fonda's Bottoms Out
Jorma Kaukonen Band
Madly You
Mosaic Sextet
Ramon Lopez Quartet
Stevens, Siegel And Ferguson Trio
The Bassoon In The Wild Quartet
The Michael Rabinowitz Quartet
ZMF Trio
The Jeff Kaiser Ockodektet
Brian Setzer Orchestra
Chuck Dukowski Sextet
Create (!)
Dan Clucas · Immediately
Dave Tucker West Coast Project
Empty Cage Quartet
Ernesto Diaz-Infante
Industrial Jazz Group
Jean Baudrillard · The Chance Band
Left Coast Improv Group
MTKJ Quartet
Mears/Tiner/Kikuchi/Johnson Quartet
Motor Totemist Guild
Scott Henderson And Tribal Tech
Steve Shelton And The Jack Ball Trio
The Abstractions
The Circle Of Willis
Tiner · Phillips · Schoenbeck Trio
Tom McNalley Trio
The Vinny Golia Octet
Big In Japan
The Vinny Golia Quintet
Neil Young & The Bluenotes
Vinny Golia
Mapping the Rock 'N Roll genome since 2005