Forums / Rules Meeting / [x] Brian May and Friends

[x] Brian May and Friends

KateUK · 8 replies

[x] Brian May and Friends
19 years ago
Apr 16, 2005 - 1:56pm
I am curious as to why Brian May and Friends is considered a band, rather than a collaboration?

Re: Brian May and Friends
19 years ago
Apr 16, 2005 - 2:38pm
We intepret that one as Brian May supported by a band called the Friends. It is probably the best example of our rules about supporting bands being pushed to the limits. We recognized the possibility that all "Solo Artist & Friends" bands are really just solo artists in disguise, but we decided to go with a literal interpretation of the rules and not second-guess their choice to release the album under that name. Does that seem questionable or inconsistent?
...and Friends
19 years ago
Apr 16, 2005 - 7:31pm
After some thought I don't think I like it.
To my mind this album is a solo album with guests and/or collaborators. And you don't even need it to get Queen in, because I gave you the link to Smile (Tim Staffel).

On this logic you should also be including the album "Screaming Lord Sutch and Heavy Friends"

and I am sure many others with similar titles.
19 years ago
Apr 17, 2005 - 7:39pm
I don't see it as a solo album. The actual name of the band is Starfleet Project but it says "Brian May and Friends" on the album cover probably to increase sales figures.
19 years ago
Apr 17, 2005 - 7:51pm
OK maybe it is a band then, I thought "Starfleet Project" was the name of the album, but I don't know much about it. (In other words I hadn't bothered to check).

Courtney Love
19 years ago
Apr 17, 2005 - 9:27pm
All right, I know I'm being pedantic, but how come Courtney Love gets counted as a band?

Re: Courtney Love
19 years ago
Apr 18, 2005 - 12:17am
Just click on the album cover and you will see that the Courtney Love we included in the family tree is a two-person band that has nothing to do with the more famous former lead singer of Hole. They just happen to have the same name. I know it's crazy, but it's true.
OK thanks!
19 years ago
Apr 18, 2005 - 6:00am
These band names are getting stranger...

Kate Wins
18 years ago
Jun 14, 2005 - 2:40am
Rule 8(a) is your victory, Kate.
Mapping the Rock 'N Roll genome since 2005