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Mark · 48 replies

6 years ago
Feb 25, 2018 - 11:13pm
Harry, Paul Rogers was not already established as a recording entity under rule 6b. That's why I used it as an example. His first solo release was recorded Oct 1995, but this was released mid-late 1995 so we have Paul Dunmall · Paul Rogers as a band:

6 years ago
Feb 26, 2018 - 1:24am
Actually, I wouldn't have an argument on whether "Paul Dunmall · Paul Rogers" is a band or not, or whether "Dunmall & Rogers" is a band or not. I don't know the group, so I don't know.

In a lot of cases, a group name might make it clear whether something is a band or not, but in other cases, it doesn't. Sometimes "A · B" is a band and sometimes it isn't.

We have a lot of rules based on names not because names are 100% reliable, but because they're 100% available. And they're not entirely worthless and misleading; so we use them. But there are gradations of "band", and there are different choices in naming, and some of those choices aren't even made by the artist but by the label's marketing department. There's a debate on one of the albums in my queue by Allen · Lande, where I think this group functions as a band (more like a "project", really, but we don't recognize that distinction), but the name and its styling was chosen by Frontiers records to capitalize on the popularity of the two lead singers.

There's no way to resolve this with rules. I don't like the "previously released material" rule either, because sometimes it works, and other times it doesn't. It's indeed a helpful guideline, as are pretty much all of our rules; I am not saying we should throw out all our rules, but instead that we should shift the attitude we take towards the rules to be "list all the signals we think should guide our decisions; then in most cases the decisions will be clear, and we can make calls on the rest and be willing to be wrong, and reconsider in the future".

I'm sorry I've effectively posted the same thing in about four different threads over the past week. I didn't realize I felt so dissatisfied with things, and I think I've said enough.
4 years ago
Oct 1, 2019 - 7:03am
Billy Gibbons is part of the new Desert Sessions project as well:
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