Forums / Research / [x] Mark Neill

[x] Mark Neill

bgzimmer · 1 reply

[x] Mark Neill
14 years ago
Aug 11, 2010 - 3:28am
Can anyone figure out if Mark Neill of Ramonetures is the same Mark Neill of The Unknowns (in queue)?
14 years ago
Aug 11, 2010 - 7:34am
this is the guy from the Unknowns.
Ramonetures guy is also known to produce.

says the Ramonetures is a Soil Of The South production, which is Unknown Neill's production company:

so YES. though are we sure Neill is actually a member of the Ramonetures:
(from Billy Zoom's site) "MARK NEILL sits in the producer's chair and knocks out the occasional guitar lick." his non-membership might explain why he never mentions the band in interviews or on his sites.
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