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[x] Bad Brains - multiple lineups on Quickness?

Mark · 1 reply

[x] Bad Brains - multiple lineups on Quickness?
12 years ago
Apr 6, 2012 - 6:52pm
Do we have any Bad Brains experts? It seems well-established that Mackie Jayson played drums on "Quickness" as a guest, which is why we don't list him as a member. We do list HR though because he recorded the vocals.


[] and some other detailed web sites make it appear that HR and Earl Hudson, the original drummer, left the band in '87. They were replaced by Taj Singleton and Mackie Jayson in 1988 before the "Quickness" recording sessions. Then HR (and presumably his brother, drummer Earl Hudson, along with him) offered to return to the band:

"H.R. ends up broke during an unsuccessful European tour with Human Rights, while Bad Brains singer Taj Singleton isn't gelling with the band in the studio back home. H.R. and his brother both return to the band, and H.R. is given a week to spit out some lyrics and get the vocal tracks down for Quickness."


[] is video footage of a 1988 show with Singleton on vocals before the "Quickness" album.

[] is a "Quickness" style promo photo with Taj Singleton on the far left. [] says that Mackie is also in that band photo.


All of this makes me think that the band started recording with Singleton and Jayson as members but ended up recording the vocals with HR, leaving the drums by Jayson intact.

[] lists Earl Hudson as the drummer, which is known to be incorrect, but it also credits Hudson with doing backup vocals, which may be true.



[] is a more detailed description from a very reliable source. I think we have two lineups.


[] lists a band lineup for The People:

Dienstag, 8. September, 21.00

Das Volk ist wieder einmal zu Gast in der Zischtigmusic, diesmal in neuer Besetzung. Seit eineinhalb Jahren versetzen sie das Publikum mit ihren Auftritten in Erstaunen und Begeisterung, nicht zu Unrecht eilt ihnen der Ruf voraus, einer der stärksten Live-Acts Zürichs zu sein.

Die brisante musikalische Mischung von Funk, rock, Reggae, Punk und Ska dürfte mittlerweilen den meisten bekannt sein. Die Band um den impulsiven Sänger Taj Singleton war auf Zürichs Bühnen immer wieder mal anzutreffen. Für die, dies trotzdem bis jetzt immer verschlafen haben und die anderen, die einfach nicht genug kriegen können.

Patrick Fintschin guitar
Taj Singleton vocals
Bruno Haag drums
George Heinz bass


[] puts the above lineup somewhere in the 1985-1987 or 1989 range. September 8 was on a Tuesday in 1987 [as well as 1992, 1998, 2009, and 2015], so there's a good match.

Is that art at bottom right an album cover?


[] lists a five-song demo from 2007, which is also corroborated by [] and (mostly) []
5 years ago
Mar 18, 2019 - 2:35am
It took only seven years, but now I have a path to Taj Singleton in the queue.

Mapping the Rock 'N Roll genome since 2005