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Vindictives & Screeching Weasel

paperxwalls · 12 replies

Vindictives & Screeching Weasel
17 years ago
Dec 16, 2006 - 2:44am
So I added in a couple more Screeching Weasel albums (My Brain Hurts, Boogooda... and Wiggle) into the queue, with different lineups, as well as another Chicago band called the Vindictives, and was able to get them in through Ben Weasel, who played on their first release. However, aside from one member's real name being listed on their Wikipedia page, I can't find any of the other members' real names (they all go by aliases on every recording) anywhere. Anyone care to help, or perhaps know their real names?

Looking for the real surnames/real names of:
The Vindictives (or Vindictives) -
Joey Vindictive
Johnny Personality
Erik Elsewhere

Members on other Vindictive releases so I can add more later on:
Billy Blastoff
P.J. Parti

also, the bassist on the Weasel album My Brain Hurts is named Dave Naked, and on Boogooda... they have a member named Steve Cheese, and I can't find their real names either, so that would be a help too if possible.

I've already tried, no listings.
Screeching Weasel aliases
17 years ago
Feb 19, 2007 - 8:02pm
I am working on finding the real names to some of these people, particularly:
Dave Naked
Steve Cheese
Johnny Personality

As I am in Chicago, and linked into the music community, I am pretty sure I can find these names. Scott Conway, who was replaced by Johnny Personality in Screeching Weasel, informed me that Dave Naked's real name is 'David Lalley'. However, he wasn't sure about the spelling.

17 years ago
Feb 19, 2007 - 8:21pm
Since you mentioned Scott Conway, anybody able to add the record he was on so SW can get tied to Gauge?
17 years ago
Feb 19, 2007 - 8:35pm
It appears that his name is Dave Lally:
"Gore Gore Girl's bassist Dave Lally (the group's third bassist after 3 shows)"

"It was just Dave Lally and myself, stuck on a Greyhound bus (Oakland-Chicago) after my van's transmission failed to return us home safely from three weeks of lugging Screeching Weasel across the country."

I'll make the change.

17 years ago
Feb 19, 2007 - 11:20pm
1 down, 2 to go on the Weasel front. thanks... I was at a loss trying to find this info.
17 years ago
Feb 19, 2007 - 11:21pm
I asked Jay Castaldi (Lynyrd's Innards) if he knew any of the real names. He said P.J. Parti is really Pat Buckley. He'll see what he can come up with on the rest.
two Dave Lallys?
17 years ago
Feb 20, 2007 - 8:39am
I'm thinking the Screeching Weasel guy and the Angel Hair guy are not the same person, though I could be wrong.
17 years ago
Feb 20, 2007 - 2:08pm
I can ask Sonny from Angel Hair about that, but probably not for another week, because i am leaving on vacation tomorrow.
17 years ago
Feb 20, 2007 - 5:05pm
It appears that the Angel Hair and the Weasel Dave Lally played bass so it's a possibility. I'll leave it in for now until Scott can provide further information.

Hey there....
17 years ago
Mar 12, 2007 - 8:33pm
P.J. Parti here.

17 years ago
Mar 17, 2007 - 12:40am
Weird, the things you find when you try looking up the mysterious Dave Lally (aka "Naked")! The Greyhound bus incident linked above (though, it seems, not working) was written by me. Wow, was 1991 really that long ago?

To confirm speculation: It was the same Dave Lally, incidentally, who played bass in Screeching Weasel and later in Angel Hair. He lived in Colorado for a year (or two, maybe?), and was also in a band called Ana North while there.

Also, don't confuse this Dave Lally with the David Lally found here:


He'd probably hate that. Maybe even more than being called Dave Naked! Maybe.
17 years ago
Mar 17, 2007 - 3:09am
Wow, who knew.
17 years ago
Aug 27, 2007 - 7:24am
I still haven't found any aliases for the Vindictives members (except the ones mentioned here). Want to revive this thread and perhaps do more research?

Glad we got the Weasel aliases out of the way though, except for Steve Cheese.
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