Forums / Research / Unleashed


Jasoon · 1 reply

16 years ago
Mar 16, 2008 - 4:15pm
Anyone know if Tomas (or Thomas) Olsson and Tomas Måsgard are the same person? Some sites list Olsson as being on certain releases and others will credit Måsgard for those same releases. I have the feeling that they're the same person but can't find anything solid.
16 years ago
May 19, 2008 - 6:07pm
sorry this is a bit late...

(this says Tomas Måsgard was also in 'Julie Laughs Nomore' and has a link)
(the link shows a Tomas Olsson in the band and links back to Unleashed)

it seems to support your suspicions though it's not really hard evidence.
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