Forums / Research / Tufty Swift

Tufty Swift

Matt Westwood ยท 1 reply

Tufty Swift
Matt Westwood
17 years ago
Nov 9, 2006 - 6:06am
... the English melodeon player who played with Umps And Dumps.

Been trying to find out his real name so we can put him live, but having no luck.

Emailed Rod Stradling at Musical Traditions to see if he can help.
The email ...
Matt Westwood
17 years ago
Nov 9, 2006 - 9:40pm
I wrote:
"I'm currently doing research on the English folk scene for and I have been trying to find the real name of Tufty Swift. It appears that nowhere on the web is this documented - or at least, if it is, it's not documented.

Would you know, or be able to find out?"

Rod's reply:

"We think it was Alan - but we're not sure.

All the very best ..........

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