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"Chicken" (Dead To Me, Western Addiction)

pin_punk · 4 replies

"Chicken" (Dead To Me, Western Addiction)
17 years ago
Oct 16, 2006 - 12:18pm
I recently queued the Dead To Me album and all of Western Addiction's releases, all of which feature "Chicken" on bass. I've found a couple of sources that say his first name is Tyson:

"I got the nickname Chicken because my real name is Tyson. Unfortunately, there's a frozen-food company called Tyson, and it makes a ton of frozen-dinner-type things and is known for its chicken"
"Thus entered Fat Wreck Mailorder wiz, and bassist for Western Addiction, Chicken. His real name is Tyson"

But I can't find a surname anywhere, so at the moment he's sitting in the queue as an alias without a real name, and hence can't be used to connect the two bands. They can both connect to the tree anyway through other bands, but it would be useful to get his full name to connect these two.

Don't suppose anyone happens to know the guy?
17 years ago
Oct 16, 2006 - 10:21pm
His bandmate, Ian Anderson, is his cousin. That didn't get me anywhere though.
Houston, we have a winner!
17 years ago
Nov 9, 2006 - 9:49pm

"Chicken Annicharico - Bass/Vocals"

The Fat Wreck page for Dead To Me does indeed state that his real first name is Tyson.

Tyson Annicharico||Chicken

Now I guess we just need to work on getting the surnames for the rest of Dead To Me and we can get them in, as well as One Man Army.

edit: nevermind, didn't realize you already got to that.

pin_punk, didn't Ken Yamazaki of Enemy You and Western Addiction also play in Hi-Standard, the old Fat Wreck band from Japan? Or am I thinking of someone else? The Wikipedia page doesn't mention anything about Hi-Standard. I'll have to look into that.
Nice one!
17 years ago
Nov 10, 2006 - 9:14am
Thanks! I swear their Wikipedia page didn't have his surname on it when I first queued those records, but maybe I was just being blind.

Either way, thanks for following that up. I've now got his real name on all those Western Addiction releases and the Dead To Me album.

Looks like the guy in Hi-Standard was Ken Yokoyama, not Ken Yamazaki:

Similar but not the same!

Re One Man Army, I added their last two releases along with Dead To Me and Western Addiction, but I was struggling to find accurate lineup info for their first two albums.
17 years ago
Nov 10, 2006 - 8:21pm
Well its possible someone added it into the Wikipedia page between when you last checked and now. Either way, we have it now.

As for the Hi-Standard guy, hmm, I guess not. The names ARE very similar though, so I can see where I got confused.

I verified the Dead To Me and Western Addiction releases so eventually, we'll be good to go on this.
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