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Matt Miller (US 1) = Matthew Miller?

shakinghell · 7 replies

Matt Miller (US 1) = Matthew Miller?
14 years ago
Nov 7, 2009 - 6:02am
so we have a Matt Miller (US 1) who was in Catharsis and ran Fifth Column Conspiracy records?
discogs says the same guy was in Career Suicide, who we have in as Matthew Miller.
wikipedia also places him on the Paint It Black s/t demo.

can anyone confirm that these are all the same person?
14 years ago
Nov 8, 2009 - 3:01am
This Matthew Miller has Catharsis and Paint It Black on his resume, but not Career Suicide:

9 years ago
Mar 24, 2015 - 8:19pm
This is the Matt Miller linked above.

I was in Catharsis, recorded the Paint it Black demo and track on Location is Everything, and ran Fifth Column Conspiracy records.

I was not in Career Suicide. That was a different Matt Miller. We have met though.

I hope that helps.
9 years ago
Mar 26, 2015 - 7:04am
Thanks a lot Matt.

You couldn't per chance explain the lineups on the Ümlaut releases could you?

I assumed that 'Havoc Wreakers' had the Catharsis lineup from the Newborn split (yourself, Alexei, Brian, Josh Freer, and Stef) but I'm not sure about 6" that came with Inside Front. My guess was:

Alexei Rodriguez = Bårõn Búŗŗi Vøn Bļįxèn
Brian Dingledine = Smedvig Robray
Ernie Hayes (US 2) = Bårõm Æţrik Vøn Bļįxèn
Matt Miller (US 1) = Ülf K@as
??? = Mæřlè K@as

Probably recorded in 1998/1999. Any clues?
Thanks again,
9 years ago
Mar 26, 2015 - 3:36pm
I don't know why you would think Catharsis and Ümlaüt shared members. Ümlaüt was from Finland. Catharsis was from North Carolina.

I believe the 6" was recorded in 1999, perhaps coincidentally, at the same time Catharsis recorded Passion.
9 years ago
Mar 26, 2015 - 3:58pm
9 years ago
Mar 26, 2015 - 4:02pm
I have a copy of this record:
I'm not sure if there is lineup info in there or not. But feel free to share.
9 years ago
Mar 26, 2015 - 9:07pm
@scott Curses!

Mæřlè K@as was nobody. Ülf K@as played all the guitars. Ümlaüt just credited an extra person to throw off the authorities.

Also, I was not in Blownapart Bastards when they recorded the Resol split. I only recorded the Oi Polloi split.
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