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[ ] Chokehold

shakinghell · 3 replies

[ ] Chokehold
13 years ago
May 28, 2011 - 6:04am
anyone have 'Content With Dying' or 'Instilled'? i think they might've been recorded at the same time. we need a lineup or at least a rec date.
13 years ago
May 28, 2011 - 11:21am
I have Content With Dying. I'll dig it out later today.

That entry's also missing the original Great American Steak Religion cover.
13 years ago
May 28, 2011 - 2:16pm
I posted some notes, but not much help.
13 years ago
May 28, 2011 - 5:40pm
As did I. As with Scott, not much help I'm afraid.
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