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Cancer Research

Mark · 0 replies

Cancer Research
17 years ago
Jul 30, 2006 - 3:15pm

This is a cheeky email asking for help for a very worthy cause in an unusual way.

Please don't delete my email without reading it. If you are unable to help please consider passing on my contact details to any of your friends or colleagues whom you may feel could be interested.

I have written a book, the profits from which are going to Cancer Research. The book is entitled Bark Staving Ronkers and it is an autobiographical memoir of 12 hectic years in the life of a young musician.

As a teenager I played in various bands including The Orioles (with Mickey Jupp), The Fingers (allegedly one of the first UK psychedelic bands) and Legend (again with Mickey Jupp, and described on some web sites as the first pub-rock band.)

The Fingers recorded at various studios including Abbey Road. Legend recorded at Advision and Phillips.

I was born at just the right time to experience the heady delights of growing up in the sixties and early seventies. I was lucky enough to play with some very well known musicians and to record at Abbey Road and other seminal recording studios.

We did radio and TV work, played in Europe and had a minor hit record in Italy. The book describes a time when I was associated with many top stars, producers and venues during an era when the music industry was alive with excitement and spontaneity.

I still play as a regular gigging musician and the most popular songs that we do by far, are those that originated in the sixties and seventies. Every bookshop has a music section and an army of fans buys books that celebrate this golden era. TV and Radio shows also cater for eager sixties and seventies aficionados and there are popular, specialist radio stations and websites that offer their own views of the period in question.

My book is directed towards the hundreds of thousands Rock and Roll and Pop music fans who remember a period when their entertainment was not provided by bands that have been 'manufactured' by TV shows.

The book is already available from and but I wondered if you would be interested in buying some copies to leave in your reception areas? Or maybe you might insert a link from your web site to Amazon so people could find out more about the book.

I show below samples of reviews that are on the Amazon sites:

Sample Customer Review: Amazon UK

Bark Staving Ronkers – Nostalgia

The enormous volume of well-researched information makes this a valuable reference book for anyone struggling to remember who was in the line-up of various bands throughout the sixties. However the real joy for many will be the little anecdotes about typical incidents in the life of a working band, which really capture the flavour of the period. These will no doubt trigger a host of memories and many similar stories about some reader's own exploits at the time. I recognised lots of names and faces from the past and one or two I still see around today. Easy reading, nostalgic and fun!

Sample Customer Review: Amazon USA

A Dizzying Romp through British Music History!

This chronicle of a musician who lived at the center of the tornado that was the British music scene in the Sixties and early Seventies is chock full of names... From the early days of Maximum R & B and rock'n'roll, through the try-anything days of psychedelia to the beginnings of prog-rock, Bobin witnesses to it all - from the stifling effects of BBC control of the airwaves, when 'pirate radio' was the cool source of the hits, through experiences with major record labels looking for that next big money-making group, it seems every kid in London was in a band at some point- the best often appearing again and again in some new configuration, the talented (or lucky) cream rising to the top, while most had their 15 minutes of fame- but were there for the right reason: they loved to ROCK! Bobin also displays a good sense of detail and has a boatload of humorous stories to tell…

Retail stores and corporates can buy my book from the publisher, BookSurge.

Orders may be placed via their web site:

Their home page has a link to a Direct Wholesale Ordering System

I do hope that this will capture your imagination and that you will be able to place an order for some copies of the book. If you need any further information please let me know.

Incidentally I did an interview on BBC Essex recently and there have been features on Bark Staving Ronkers in the local press and trade mags. There are also mentions of the book on many web sites dedicated to sixties music and/or to Southend.

Yours Sincerely

John Bobin
Mapping the Rock 'N Roll genome since 2005