Forums / General Discussion / Please use exact dates!

Please use exact dates!

pkasting ยท 0 replies

Please use exact dates!
18 years ago
Nov 3, 2005 - 1:14am
Remember, guys, when you submit an album, try to find as exact a date as you can (for the earliest release). While on some albums finding anything more than a year is hard, if you can possibly give a better date, do so. That means before you submit, try to run a check through (for example) the band's site, the label's site, cduniverse,, and any other references likely to give good dates.

The reason this is important is because as we get more releases for many bands, especially live releases, singles, or compilations, having the exact date makes the albums show up in the correct release order. And who knows what else we might do in the future, like start showing the full date. It's easier to just get things right now than go back and fix them later.
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