Forums / Feature Request / Warning for disgusting cover a...

Warning for disgusting cover artwork...

Python · 5 replies

Warning for disgusting cover artwork...
18 years ago
Nov 29, 2005 - 6:08pm
In my research to add more links to some death metal band, I came across a band that uses cover art that really made me sick. Call me a wimp, but I really have no desire to see a picture (a photograph, not a drawing) of decapitated naked woman with sperm dripping out of her vagina, ever again.

In the end, I couldn't link that band to the db but if it would be possible, I can image that a lot of people wouldn't want to see that picture either. Now, I'm not at all in favor of censorship, but I believe some sort of warning for certain covers would be in order. I've already gotten used to those Brujeria covers but I bet a lot of people get sick when they see those. I was thinking about a clickable image that warns the user about the actual cover art. If you click it, the cover art appears.

I realise that it would be difficult to draw the line. There are a lot of other covers that aren't necessarely disgusting but are objectionable in some other way. Like that Rotting Christ cover where a naked nun clearly mistakes a crucifix for a vibrator. Personally, I'm not offended by that but a lot of people probably are. Now you could say, if you come here looking for connections to some 50's Dixieland band, you wont' see too many offending covers, but there's always the "random link" feature...

18 years ago
Nov 29, 2005 - 10:51pm
I'm with you I don't like censorship per say but some prudence when it came to stuff that maybe some people wouldn't want to see isn't a bad idea. I'd be offended by the naked nun thing you describe.
18 years ago
Nov 30, 2005 - 1:50am
I would probably prefer not to add this feature request in due to the subjectivity involved. If you hit Random Link then I don't see where you have a leg to stand on being offended with what comes up.

It might be a worthwhile option, however, to solve this by providing the user an option to turn ALL art on/off. That could also improve browsing speed and bandwidth usage for those who turn it off.
I don't have a problem with the original suggestion...
18 years ago
Nov 30, 2005 - 4:12am long as you can turn it on and off. Perhaps a slightly different URL. So if you go to the original URL, you'd get what you see now, but if you went to [] you'd get what Python suggested.

I agree that it's a subjective call to mark an album cover that way, but so are lots of other things about this site. Anyways, I wouldn't rule it out.
18 years ago
Nov 30, 2005 - 6:00pm
I mainly just don't want the hassle of explaining to people why something is or is not a "disgusting" cover (the sort of thing a few irate people tend to email about), or of tracking yet another bit of information for all the albums.
18 years ago
Dec 1, 2005 - 7:47am
I've got a few options in mind about how to handle this and will get to them when I've got a chance.

Mapping the Rock 'N Roll genome since 2005