Forums / Feature Request / Register Captcha

Register Captcha

Kevin · 4 replies

Register Captcha
1 year ago
Oct 30, 2022 - 11:10am
I know cover images should be the priority but my email inbox has been getting punished by bots attempting to register on the site when their fake email addresses fail.

For my own sanity I've put in a B2B specific Captcha during the registration process. Hopefully this will stem the bot tide.

1 year ago
Nov 1, 2022 - 5:21am
Good idea to make the captcha on theme. I'd suggest a few improvements though:

- Allow lower case answers, artist aliases as answers, and maybe just surnames as well: eg. "danzig"

- Perhaps change the question to "Name a musician who played on this record". Sometimes 'artist' can include band names, especially in the case of music charts, mp3 tags and other music websites such as Discogs & RateYourMusic.
1 year ago
Nov 30, 2022 - 12:31pm
I'm trying to hit some of the smaller quality-of-live improvements before diving heavily back into album covers.

To that end, I've made the changes suggested here, except for just single first / last names. So you can answer with lowercased full name or lowercased aliases along with using the term "musician."

I've also made the album cover clickable to take a user to the album's page. The intention is to not make signing-up difficult but rather to make bots as sad as possible when they arrive on the page.

1 year ago
Nov 30, 2022 - 9:21pm
The bots won't care, but can we change "Name an musician" to "a musician"?
For The Bots
1 year ago
Dec 1, 2022 - 9:39am
You got it, "a musician" it is.

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