Quick Search

Kevin · 1 reply

Quick Search
1 year ago
Mar 30, 2023 - 12:59pm
Another small quality-of-life addition is that if you're on any page and need to quickly search something, on a Mac hit the command key (the one with the Mac symbol on it) along with the letter 'k' (cmd+k) and the search bar will be instantly highlighted and you can start typing a search query.

This should work the same on a Windows machine with the Windows button (is there one?). If someone with a Windows machine can confirm this one way or another, that would be a big help,


1 year ago
Mar 31, 2023 - 1:12am
Winkey+k working in Chrome / Edge browsers here, but not Firefox. Not that I ever normally go around pressing the winkey on websites. It's mostly just used for a handful of OS-level commands.
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