png images

Python · 1 reply

png images
12 years ago
May 27, 2011 - 8:49pm
Would it be possible to allow us to upload images in png format? It offers more flexibility in regard to transparency than the gif format. It uses an alpha channel rather than one 'invisible' color and it supports more than 256 colors.

Also, why not just store one image and resize them on-the-fly; most modern browsers are pretty good at it. Some of the resized vinyl pictures look pretty crappy.

I've been fooling around with css3 style sheets and that looks very promising. It's not an accepted standard yet though so it's probably not something that should be used for the site just yet. I put something together right here: []

I particularly like how that css3 vinyl looks.
12 years ago
May 31, 2011 - 2:58pm
I just noticed that all cover images are in gif format these days. I did a quick test and if you convert them to png (using the same 256 color palette) filesize will go down even more.
Also, there are some tools to reduce png files even fruther in size without losing image quality: optipng.exe optimizes the compression scheme and stripper.exe strips the file from all redundant meta data.

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