Forums / Feature Request / [ ] Front page

[ ] Front page

Bloopy ยท 1 reply

[ ] Front page
1 year ago
Jan 17, 2023 - 12:09am
Someone reported no links working on the front page, which of course is because it presents a screenshot of the old site. Right after saying "poke around and let us know what you think", so potentially confusing:


Perhaps you could have a 2nd paragraph linking a few major bands to look at (AC/DC, The BandToBand Band, Circle Jerks...) or suggest searching above. Then explicitly say "here's what the old site looked like:" and use a smaller/cropped screenshot.
1 year ago
Jan 20, 2023 - 10:34am
That's actually pretty funny, I hadn't thought of it before. Good point though, I'll try touching up the front page.

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