Forums / Feature Request / [ ] Displaying precise dates w...

[ ] Displaying precise dates when we have them

Matt Westwood · 2 replies

[ ] Displaying precise dates when we have them
Matt Westwood
2 years ago
Aug 8, 2021 - 9:23am
I noticed just now (don't know how I haven't done before) that when we present the albums on the page, we display just the year. However, we of course store the full date in the database, when we have it.

Can we enhance the user experience by presenting, against the album page at least, as precise a date as we can get? If we have Aug 25, 1973, we present it. If we have August 00 1973 we present "August 1973" or "Aug 1973" or whatever.

This would mean that we would have to clean up many entries from before we entered "00" for "don't know", and just used "01-01-2000" for an uncertain date in 2000, but then I think that's a good idea anyway. We do of course have to be careful when a release was *genuinely* released on new year's day.
2 years ago
Aug 14, 2021 - 11:49am
One problem is when a band's got multiple releases in the same year and we've done a trick to order them. If we know the correct order but not what months they were released, we've tended to use Jan 1st and Jan 2nd. But if we know the exact date of the first release was Aug 25th, we might've put the second release on Aug 26th or some other fake date.

So we might just need a dump of all the bands with more than one release in the same year so we can check them. In that example the second release could be put on Sep-00. Just hope we don't need to order two both released in December.
Matt Westwood
2 years ago
Aug 30, 2021 - 11:29am
Perhaps we could have an "enhanced date" field, where it actually presents 0000-00-00-0 where the 0 is an optional index for "nth album at/after this date".

Then 1986-00-00-1 and 1986-00-00-02 would be obvious.

Extrapolate from there. An album whose date is of the form:

would mean an album released in September, while:
would mean an album released *after* the album that we know to be released sometime in September -- but may have been later than September.

would mean "two albums released in September, in that order"


would mean "two albums released in September, but we don't know what order they were released in".
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