
ben_stumpf · 2 replies

18 years ago
Sep 23, 2005 - 4:35pm
There are going to start being more and more compilations on this site. Is it at all possible to be able to click on the compilation and see what other bands in the tree also may appear on it.
For example, the soundtrack for "Underworld" has at least two bands from the tree on it. "The Damning Well" and "Pucifier". I think it would just be nice to be able to click on the album and it show a list of the both bands, or more bands if there are any.
I will also be submitting a compilation that has at least 7 bands that are already on the tree, is there a way to avoid having to add it 7 times, one for each band?
Matt Westwood
18 years ago
Sep 23, 2005 - 5:36pm
I would endorse this request.

I did in fact mention something like this to K&M in a provate email but neglected (forgot) to put it into this forum. IIRC the response was encouraging ...
18 years ago
Sep 23, 2005 - 9:48pm
Yep, I've suggested this in the past too.

If there was a forum search feature (another request I've made :D), I'd try and dig up the post, but I might have done it in email.

I am not sure if the cleanest way to do this would actually be to make a backend change which would allow a single album entry to contain multiple separate bands, instead of having that be multiple separate albums. One nice ramification of that is that in addition to making this request easier, it would also make the statistic for "albums in tree" more accurate as right now I believe it counts all the instances separately.
Mapping the Rock 'N Roll genome since 2005