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[ ] Another interesting statistic

Matt Westwood · 1 reply

[ ] Another interesting statistic
Matt Westwood
8 years ago
Sep 16, 2015 - 7:59pm
Noticing that Chick Corea and Bobby McFerrin are a surprisingly distant 5 steps apart, I got to thinking: which are the most "distant" collaborators?

It should be straightforward (if perhaps time-intensive) to calculate. It would be an interesting indication of which artists / bands which, while collaborating, are the most "unlikely", if you get me.

I found that Vassilis Tsabropoulos and John Marshall (UK) are 6 steps apart. Haven't found anything further than that.
8 years ago
Sep 16, 2015 - 11:39pm
14 steps via Peter Brötzmann of all people:

The ones posted here by Python and mikehaley are both 9 steps now (though the latter is primarily a split):
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