Forums / Feature Request / [ ] adding covers to queue ent...

[ ] adding covers to queue entries

pin_punk ยท 1 reply

[ ] adding covers to queue entries
6 months ago
Nov 3, 2023 - 8:15am
Any chance we can get the ability to directly add covers to other user's queued entries (especially ones that are currently coverless), rather than having to put them in evidence and question the entry to bring it to their attention?

Or is that opening the door to potential chaos?!
6 months ago
Nov 3, 2023 - 1:00pm
I have that functionality in place but haven't turned it on as I've been worried about someone going rogue and replacing queued album covers (as I don't version save those as I do live ones). I can turn it on for all the legacy / power users if you guys are comfortable with that power.

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