Forums / Announcements / Happy (Belated) 10,000

Happy (Belated) 10,000

Kevin ยท 0 replies

Happy (Belated) 10,000
17 years ago
Jul 4, 2007 - 3:35pm
An official announcement for reaching the 10,000 band mark is certainly in order despite the fact that I've been missing in action for the last couple of weeks and unable to make it. It is a testament to all the troopers out there that the site can continually move forward with or without any single individual's direct participation (although all are missed when not around). So here's to another milestone in mapping the Rock 'N Roll genome.

By the way, I've started working full time for my friend and the good folks over at (for all your movie info needs) which is going to cut into my direct daily involvement around here. That is by no means a declaration of resignation, just a note that I may not be as omnipresent as I have been in the past. Party.

Mapping the Rock 'N Roll genome since 2005