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Album Pages Back Up

Kevin ยท 0 replies

Album Pages Back Up
18 years ago
Nov 29, 2006 - 10:22pm
I had to take the site/album pages down for a spell while re-working the line-up chronological ordering for each band. This of course had a cascading effect on subsequent pages so it always gets confusing when I have to deal with something like that.

On the bright side, band line-ups can now appear chronologically based on recording date (if that information is available) and not necessarily by release date. For example the A line-up for the Beatles wasn't released until well after the fact and only on a single band compilation but the Beatles page still reflects that properly now:

Judge is probably a bit better to see this in action. Note line-up B didn't appear until the band's discography in 2005, but is slotted correctly in the 1988 date because that is when the recording was made (and has been noted in the database). All the line-ups are still labeled correctly and appear in the proper order.

Fun times.

Mapping the Rock 'N Roll genome since 2005